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What legal action can I take if my apartment complex is covertly?

If it truly is your apartment complex and the managing agents are renting against the terms you hired them under, then you have cause to terminate your contract and hire a different company. You may also have damages to your property that you could seek. If you do not own the complex and are a tenant, unless your lease specifies that you have some control over the terms other units may rent under, it is not something you can control. You may choose to leave when your lease is up. If the situation has caused actual damage to your personal property or bodily harm was suffered, you may have a personal claim against the building (iffy) if you can prove that they were aware of the safety violation (such as a trip hazard, etc.) and refused to repair or ignored it. Otherwise, personal concerns with respect to other tenants (short or long term) are handled by your local police department should an actual crime occur.

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