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Can my landlord end a yearly lease agreement with 60 days notice if?

I would have to see the entire contract and also know which state you are in and whether there are any local rent ordinances. based upon the sentence you quote, it seems it is a poorly written lease agreement. In a normal one year lease agreement, at the end of one year the lease expires and both parties are free to enter into another rental agreement or not. The landlord could impose the condition, so that she has enough time to find a new tenant, that you would have to tell her at least 60 days before the end of the lease when it is the move out date, that you do not intend to remain a tenant. Normally, if neither side indicates to the opposite, when the one year period ends, the lease automatically converts to a month to month tenant, under the same terms as before. But if it is a one year lease, it makes no sense that she can on her own cancel the lease before the one year has passed, because then obviously it is only a 60 day lease that renews every 60 days until a total of one year has passed. I assume you never understood that to be the terms. since she drew up the contract, anything that is unclear is held against her. So based upon the limited information you have provided, it appears you have the right to stay there for one year but you must tell her at least 60 days before you plan to move out. She has no right to demand you leave before the one year is up, no matter what she wants to do with the unit.

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