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How do I get my ex-boyfriend to move out if his name is on the lease?

is There a written lease agreement? Do you have it? Do you know who the landlord is? By his name, or by seeing him in person? The landlord may have an agreement but only his lawyer has the information. Ask your landlord to see that lease agreement. I had seen a case where the tenants knew the landlord by name, but had no signed lease agreement. The landlord had drawn up an agreement and kept it in his lawyers office. When he took them to court on an eviction charge, there names appeared. The landlord won the eviction because they kept making excuses where the rent payments were. How do you get your boyfriend to move out if his name is in the lease, but he has no written agreement such as a rent payment to be able to get evicted? Has your boyfriend ever paid any rent payments to the landlord?If you want your boyfriend to move out, you need to talk to him about this. And why you want him to leave. So that he clearly understands your reasoning for this request. Is your name on the lease, at all? Who stays in the trailer when your boyfriend moves out? Will you be renting this from the landlord?

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