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In Arizona, if I allowed a family to stay in my condo for one month?

Evict them. If they dont have a lease, they are on a month to month rental contract (if they dont have a contract, they are, by definition) on a month to month. This means (depending upon your area), serve them with a 3 day pay or quit notice, and then start the formal eviction proceedings. OR You can approach them, and tell them, Hey, Ive asked you to leave. You have refused. That means that the ONLY course of action that I am left with is to start eviction proceedings against you. This is going to get really ugly, really quickly. You are going to have an eviction in the public records against you. I am going to be forced to charge you for ALL of my legal fees, and I dont hire cheap lawyers, I am going to be forced to charge you for all of the court costs, and they arent cheap, and I am going to be forced to, if you cant pay for that cash, use a legal maneuver to get that money out of you until it is paid in full. Do you REALLY want to do that? Tell you what. If you can leave by this weekend, and leave the house in good shape in broom clean condition, I will give you $100 and we shake hands and walk away as friends, is that fair? I REALLY dont want to ruin your life by evicting you, but that choice is up to you. What do you want to do? Why dont you move out and I give you $100? Deal? Then stick your hand out to shake it.

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