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A friend of mine asked me to let him use my address to get his?

Been there. Done that. I was waiting for an apartment to come open. Some friends let me use their address to enroll my daughter in achool. A school I worked at. I let someone borrow my car while I was at work. They ran a red light. They broadsided another vehicle. Totaled my paid for car. Another friend offered to drive me to school until I got a car. She only drove me 3 or 4 days. I tried to give her money for gas one morning. It was only $5, but I would have more that afternoon. She did not want any money. Told me to just wait until that afternoon. Okay then. About an hour later, she called me at school screaming at me about needing gas money. Gee. Hadnt we just had this conversation? Told her I would have somebody bring her some money by. She screamed it was my responsibility to pay her. Well, okay. But unless you make a special trip to come get $5, I dont have a way until after school. Just let me have them bring you some money. She went beserk. I dont have a clue what the hell was wrong with her. What difference did it make who gave her money as long as she got it? And why didnt she rake it that morning when I tried to give it to her??? Moral of the story. My friend called the school. Not only was my daughter kicked out of that school because we didnt live in district, but I lost my job because they deemed I lied about where we lived. And I did, I guess, but it was only supposed to be until our apartment was ready. All over $5.00 that I offered her but she refused. So, yes, you most certainly can get in trouble. More importantly, the children will be kicked out of school. Does he not have a home or does he not live in the school district? If he draws up a lease with your address, then you will have to let him move in with you. Otherwise you are guilty of falsifying a legal document. Once you let him move in, you will have to evict him to get him out, unless he finds someplace and voluntarily moves out. Even though your heart may go out to him, its best for all concerned if you do not do this. The school will find out.

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