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Who can legally request a mortgage payoff.?

Who can legally request a mortgage payoff? Check with a lawyer. [To answer your question, the owner of the property can. Also, any duly authorized representative of the property owner can. And anyone with the written permission of the owner or authorized representative (usually a notarized statement is sufficient) can.] Your situation is confused. First, in a lease-purchase, the purchase price (or a method to determine the purchase price) should be specified. You should have known (in the purchase portion of the lease-purchase) precisely what youd need to pay. There wouldnt be a reason to be concerned about the mortgage amount unless the agreement specified that your obligation was the remaining mortgage. Next, how did we get to the executor of the estate? Is your lease-purchase agreement with the executor? Or did you make the agreement with someone who died, and the property now is in probate? And this, in particular, is why you need a lawyer. Like yesterday. Your lease-purchase agreement may have expired upon the death of the owner. Even if it didnt, the executor may be able to sell the property to someone else . . . unless you were able to cloud the title of the property. Yes, you certainly have an equitable interest in the property . . . or did. But you now have to make sure that its still in force. In addition, the mortgage payoff amount changes daily. A specific date has to be set for the transfer/sale of the property to you. Once that date is know, then a payoff amount can be calculated. Contact a lawyer.

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