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What are some tips for breaking a lease?

How can you get out of a lease? The same way you got into it: by making an agreement with the landlord. There are only two parties to a lease. So if you want to terminate it, you are already half way there. All you need to do is to convince the landlord to agree. To do that, make it easy and pain free; maybe even profitable. All landlords want is a responsible paying tenant to occupy their rental units. It doesnt have to be you. So find someone who is qualified and willing to take over your lease and/or sign a new lease with the landlord for your apartment. Once youve found someone, then approach the landlord with a request to transfer your lease or sign a new lease with this person. And if that person is willing to pay a higher rent than you are now paying, the landlord will almost certainly agree. Thats how you get out of a lease for an apartment.

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