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Can a landlord charge me rent while the property is under a new lease?

I would say not, but you don't say what country you are in and there may be legal differences, and I don't have legal knowledge, just common sense. The landlord has not lost out on any rent and the premises must have been in good shape if someone else moved in. Therefore, if you paid a deposit at the start of your lease, to cover any damages at the end of the lease, this should be refunded. (As I assume the new tenant would have done the same with the new lease). If you paid first and last months rent at the start, and have always paid rent right up to your final month, then that last months rent should also be refunded. (Assuming the new tenant moved in right after you moved out, or in the month following the final month you paid for). He agreed for you to find a new tenant so, as I said, he has not lost out on anything, and so the early termination has caused him no issues. So, I would pay nothing. It is for the landlord to follow through on this if he thinks he is right. He would have to take you to small claims court at which point a judge would have to decide if he has a claim, but I would think that a new legal lease negates a fully paid up previous lease. If he took you to court and had not refunded your deposit, or final months rent paid at the start (if applicable) then I would counter-claim for those to be refunded.

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