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Am I expected to break a lease agreement with my tenant right away as?

Generally, no. Whether or not its your job to remediate the mold depends entirely on the specific species of mold involved. Most mold is not dangerous, and is the result of poor hygine on the part of the tenant not cleaning bathrooms, mold on windows from moisture for a particularly well insulated structure, etc.. You dont have to do anything for those: its the tenants cleaning problem, and the tenant needs to clean. The only mold that matters is Stachybotrys. Other molds can appear black mildew often appears black but a mold which is black is not necessarily black mold. Assuming, however, its Stachybotrys it doesnt break the lease. You need to remediate it, and you need to provide them with other accommodations during the remediation, but they are still on the lease, and they still have to pay their rent while you pay for the other accommodation. Legally, unless you both agree to terminate the lease: If the tenant wants to leave but yo dont want it, you can provide alternate accommodation and remediation If the tenant does not want to leave, but you want them to leave again, you get provide alternate accommodation and remediation, whether you want to or not Most molds which are black are not black mold. Dont expect your inability to clean to get you out of a lease.

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